Supporting dragon bell
We are entirely dependant on voluntary donations from our friends
There are no fees for any of the events and services that Dragon Bell offers. All donations contribute towards covering the running costs of the charity
How to make a donation
If you are visiting the temple, it is easy to leave cash or cheque donations. Currently we are not equipped to receive donations by card or phone. Donations by cheque can be made out to ‘Dragon Bell Temple’.
Online donations
If you would like to make a donation via online banking, please let us know either in person or by using the contact form, and we will send you the charities bank account details.

Regular Donations
Standing orders are a great way to help Dragon Bell. These give us some idea of regular income which is really helpful. If you would like to contribute in this way, please get in touch either via the contact form or in person, and we will give you the necessary bank account details.
Gift Aid
As a charity we are able reclaim any UK income tax you may have paid on your donation. If you are a UK tax payer you can allow us to do this by filling in a Gift Aid Declaration form.
You can download a form here (163KB):
For a single donation:
For multiple donation:
Please read the explanatory notes on the form before signing it. You can leave a completed form here at the temple, post it back to us, or scan and email it.

Thank You