monk and prior of Dragon Bell
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Blog archive
It’s called a blog, but it’s not really a blog. The calendar news posts are published monthly. ‘Meditation Writing’, articles will be published as and when, probably not that frequently. So maybe it’s an irregular blog.
Articles on the website are not written in stone and may continue to be worked on. Please see the meditation writing page for more of an introduction.
The archive below shows all posts. You can filter the two categories by using the drop down navigation in the header above, where posts are divided into ‘news’ and ‘writing’.
Although it isn’t set it up for comments or sharing, you are welcome to get in touch with me about anything you read here.
Hello, There are four calendar events posted for October: meditation mornings – 14th &
Beggars Banquet
Beggars Banquet All that continues to obstruct you revolves around thought. Both acceptance and
August and September
News for August and September Hello, August temple dates are on the website booking
Willingness to change
Willingness to change It’s akin to a disaster for a meditator to approach life
Meetings for the month are now on the booking calendar: Saturday 3rd: Meditation morning
Events for April are now up on the website calendar: Saturday 8th – introduction