As lunch will be provided, please let Willard know if you are planning to come, preferably give a minimum of 48hrs notice, i.e. before the Friday.
You are welcome to arrive anytime after 8.45am.
The day's focus will be on seated meditation ( zazen ). Apart from the teas, we will maintain a relaxed silence.
Lunch will be a simple meal provided by the temple; rice, curried lentils and salad.
Please let Willard know if you have any likely dietary issues.
All sittings will be for 35min. The schedule will be:
9.15am - zazen - walking meditation - zazen
10.35 - tea
11.25 - zazen
12.30pm - lunch (short verses at begining and end ) - followed by washing - up and a rest break
2.00 - zazen - walking meditation - zazen
3.20 - tea
4.00 - day ends