May, June, July Newsletter

May, June & July Newsletter


What’s coming:

Temple dates for May, June and July, are up on the website calendar. I look forward to seeing you here in person or on Zoom. You may see that the temple is closed for three weeks in July, when I’ll be away.

There are still places available on the Eden Rise retreat, 29th May – 2nd June. The cut-off date for booking is 29th April, so if you are thinking about it …… (latecomers probably will be accepted, if there’s still space of course).

What’s been:

It’s bin fairly quiet the last couple of months here, quiet and wet, spring has been kind of washed out, as it has everywhere I think, so that’s hardly news. The regular schedule has been offered and I’m pleased to say that people have been coming both physically and virtually.
We had the memorial for David Fry in March which was good to do. Some of his ashes will be interred at Throssel in the summer.
I’ve been attempting to get stuck in to the garden here at Cross Farm, though the weather has not been compliant (the weather! The weather!). The garden is a bit of a jungle and is probably past saving in many ways, it feels a bit like a one man lost gardens of Heligan (one man who’s not sure of what he’s doing). It’s a case of the enjoyment of doing something for it’s own sake, regardless. Apart from going for walks, there aren’t so many opportunities these days for me to work up a sweat. It’s good to get a bit physical and get my hands dirty, outdoors and away from the computer.
Together with some of the congregation, I checked out a couple of properties during February and March. More of an experimental investigation than anything, there are no immediate plans to make a move. At this time, we don’t have the funds to do what we would like to do, which is to buy somewhere with a small, or preferably even no, mortgage. It still seems a good idea, to think a little about the future and dip a toe or two in the water, Cross Farm will come to an end at some point. I’m trying to spend some time every week on Rightmove, though that well is rapidly running pretty dry and anyway, like I say, nothing is imminent.
Anyhoo, just shooting the breeze…..(dry and sunny breeze, I’m off out).
I wrote a short piece and published it on the temple website yesterday:

I hope all’s well with you,
Take care,
In gassho