The calendar for March and April is now published here
If things start happening with moving the temple, some of the calendar may have to be cancelled, I’ll let people know of course.
The schedule of events is pretty much typical, two meditation days each month, two meditation mornings (one mid-week, one Sat) and the usual weekday zazen, Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings. There are the usual two introduction sessions each month, a Tuesday evening and a Saturday morning.
The 2025 dates for Eden Rise have been up on the website for a while, I forgot to mention them last newsletter. They are; 28th May-1st June, 3rd-7th December.
Due to a number of factors, the OBC (the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives to which our temple belongs), quarterly journal has ceased being published. Rev. Baldwin, based in the Netherlands, has volunteered to publish an online quarterly newsletter for the order, it will be international and available to subscribers. He will soon be letting us known how people can subscribe to it (I will circulate the details using the email and subscription newsletter), the first ‘edition’ is expected to go live at the beginning of April, the deadline for submissions is 10th March.
Rev. Baldwin is hoping to make this OBC newsletter a live resource for people with not just news and photographs, but also links to talks, articles and videos from around the order. It could act as a sort of hub for temples to share what they are doing online and so enable people from outside of a local sangha to join a Zoom or YouTube meeting too.
If you would like to help with submitting to this order-wide newsletter, there is an encouragement for photographs to be included with any news, in Rev. Balwin’s own words;
“Photo’s: I would very much appreciate photos of your temple, of yourselves and your sangha, of buddha’s and other statues, events, surroundings, local wildlife, your cats and dogs etc. This Newsletter will hopefully be visually rich and interesting/inspiring to read. (It would help if you could send me photos in landscape format, as the Newsletter builder handles this format best.)”
If Dragon Bell is going to step up to this request, it’s going to need contributions from others than just myself. If you would like to help out, at any time, just let me know.
I think that’s it for now. It’s been good to see people here at the temple and online during February, the ‘longest’ shortest month. Don’t forget that we offer an online zazen, Tuesday to Friday at 7.00am – you don’t need it, but if you can free up the time and it helps to get you to just sit, that’s what it’s for.
Be well,
In Gassho