Ways to join in
- If you are under 18 yrs old, inform the prior before your first visit
- If you are under the age of 16; written permission from a parent is required before attending on your own
Thank you
Introductory sessions
- Tuesday evenings 7.00-8.30pm
- Saturday mornings 10.00am-12.30pm
See calendar for upcoming dates and more details
These are the best way to try out our way of meditation. It is necessary to have attended one of these, either here or at another OBC place, before joining any other event at Dragon Bell.
If you can’t make these dates, individual newcomer sessions can be arranged for other days and times.
Introductions are not available online
Meditation mornings and full days
- Meditation mornings start at 9.00am and finish at 12.30pm. Saturdays, once or twice every month.
- Meditation days run from 9.00am – 4.00pm Saturdays, usually once every month
The above are for people who have been previously introduced to seated meditation. See calendar for dates, availability, and more details
These meetings are not online
Weekly meetings at Cross Farm and on Zoom
- Tuesdays to Fridays 7.00 – 7.40am: Seated meditation, (zazen). Come in person or join via Zoom
- Wednesdays 7.00-8.30pm We recite a guidance teaching on practice (a translation of Zen Master Dogen’s Fukanzazengi) then practice seated meditation for two short periods with walking meditation in between. A short chant ends the formal part before we have a social tea.
- Sundays 9.00 – 11.30am (10.00-11.30am on Zoom) Starts with 35min. meditation in the temple. Joining on Zoom starts from 9.45am with a 30min. meditation @ 10.00am followed by a ceremonial service of chanting and bows. Afterwards we meet together for a cup of tea.
The Wednesday and Sunday meetings can be attended at the temple or joined with on Zoom. Some in person instruction will be needed before your first time. Details for joining on Zoom available on request
Individual visits
If you have had an introduction, you are welcome to make use of the temple outside of any scheduled event.
Stay for an hour or two or for the whole day.
Just get in touch if you are interested.
Overnight stays are not currently possible
Outside events
Dragon Bell is running residential retreats twice in 2023 at Eden Rise retreat barns nr. Totnes, Devon.
Please see calendar page and news posts for upcoming dates.
Open to anyone who has had an introduction to our way of meditation practice

for people living with physical and sensory impairments:
- The building is not wheelchair accessible.
- The temple rooms are on the first and second floor.
- To make use of our current premises, you would have to use stairs and standard domestic toilets.
- Cross Farm is quite an old building and has not been adapted for anyone living with physical or sensory impairments.
Please get in touch if you have any questions about access. There may be creative solutions for your particular conditions and circumstances. In the future we hope to have a building that is suitable for everyone to use
There are no fees for attending events at Dragon Bell Temple. The charity is entirely dependant on voluntary donations. All contributions go towards covering the charities running costs and help us to continue offering support into the future. We exist for all people wishing to practice the way of the Buddha, regardless of their individual financial circumstances. More details can be found on the donate page