
Hello website reader,

I hope this finds you well.

Temple dates for September and October are published on the website calendar.

Would you be interested in there being a mid-week meditation morning or day, on the calendar? Let me know if you’d like to attend such and which kind, what day of the week.

You are probably already aware that Chris Drewe, who was the tenant of Cross Farm (where the temple has been for the last three plus years), died at the end of June. Until now, I haven’t published anything about this publicly online, I did send news to our subscribers, a few weeks back. I won’t repeat everything here, except to say that the temple will remain at Cross Farm for the time being. I recently signed a six month tenancy agreement on a peppercorn rent. Thanks to Charlie, Chris’ nephew and landlord. In the meantime, the search for a new residence continues. Chris has left a substantial legacy to Dragon Bell, which would contribute a large portion towards the cost of purchasing a property.

This is a tea pot that Chris made, the only one that I have seen from a large collection of his life of pottery work. A gift to the temple from Chris’ estate and a lovely thing for Dragon Bell to have I think.

  • The Eden Rise 10th-14th December meditation retreat is open for bookings.

Best wishes

In gassho


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