Dragon Bell Temple
Soto Zen Buddhism
in the South West
A place dedicated to the way of the Buddha

a temple of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives

Dragon Bell Temple is currently hosted in a private house, Cross Farm in Drewsteignton, Devon. Regular activities are held for groups of people – meeting to practice meditation and to explore its application in everyday experience.

The small zendo (meditation room), is a pleasant place for seated meditation. It can comfortably accommodate 6-8 people with capacity for more in an adjacent room if need be.
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The house is in a lovely rural location and is a quiet and easy place to be. The temple has a pleasant common room and a small library of reading material.
Cross Farm is the home of a long term supporter of our order and Dragon Bell. The zendo and common room are for the sole use of the temple, and we share a kitchen with our host.

We are grateful to our benefactor who is covering all of the significant utility costs as well as accommodating the temple.
In the long term, we are looking to fund a premises for a permanent temple. In the meantime, Cross Farm is able host small groups of people and we will be running outside events in rented spaces around the South West.